Thursday, April 14, 2016

World War III

2016-04-12 07:27 PM

World War III

The black and white photo of a World War II Paris street battle scene from the archives of Life Magazine is titled the “Liberation of Paris.”  It’s a stark contrast to today’s televised war coverage that seems to loop endlessly on worldwide television networks at all hours of the day. The grey-toned 1944 photograph lacks an accompanying sound track. Looking at the still photograph one cannot hear wailing sirens, explosions, screams of the wounded, and the ominous voice interpreting the events that accompany videos reporting recent terrorist attacks in Paris. The still photo does not show the torn colors of the chaotic victims, the drifting smoke, or the battle-ready police and soldiers as they rush about.

What is the message behind the “Liberation of Paris” photograph? Are we to believe that a few soldiers of the French Resistance forced the Nazis to surrender through street battles such as this? These soldiers are poorly equipped and in an exposed position.  No, the impetus behind the Nazis surrender was the impending arrival of the US Third Army, led by General George Patton, that consisted of the 2nd Armored Division and the US 4th Infantry Division.

What’s the message behind today’s war coverage? How can we be so unaware that World War III is happening right in front of our eyes? Nations of the major continents America, Europe, Africa and Asia are under siege by the ISIS Islamic Nation. Attacks are not reported as acts of war. Rather they are reported as acts of terror caused by resource inequality and climate change. The war with ISIS goes on and on, unacknowledged, undeclared, and unrestrained. We are like proverbial frogs in a caldron, unaware of the intensifying blaze of the secret World War III.

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